Costs & Financial Aid

Investing in the unique educational experience Episcopal High School provides is a significant decision for families, and we strive to use our financial aid program to enable students from a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds to attend. We believe enrolling students with diverse perspectives and experiences is vital to our mission of preparing young people with the intellectual and moral courage to pursue lives of ethical leadership and service as citizens of an increasingly connected world.

Financial Aid at EHS: 2024-25

Gross Family Income # of Families Avg. Family Contribution Under $39,999 $40,000-$69,999 $70,000-$99,999 $100,000-$149,999 $150,000-$199,999 $200,000-$299,000 Over $300,000

Over 35 percent of the student body receives financial assistance. The average grant offered to families is $54,619.

Tuition, Aid, and Payment

List of 4 items.

Tuition & Fees


The Comprehensive Fee for the 2024-25 School year is $72,000. This amount includes tuition, room and board, basic health center expenses, and the cost of most school-sponsored academic, athletic, and recreational activities. There are no additional charges for technology, course-related supplies and equipment, outdoor education, local special events and weekend activities, and all meals provided daily through the dining hall. These expenses, at some schools, could total as much as $3,500 per year. The purchase of course-specific books – and a personal computing device if one is not already owned – will be the largest, and for most students the only, cost not included in tuition.

Personal Expenses associated with attending Episcopal vary from student to student. The following provides an estimate of the major items:

Financial Aid & Application Deadlines


Episcopal seeks applications from talented and motivated students, regardless of family financial resources. Because every family cannot afford this investment, the School makes financial assistance available to help close the gap between the costs of attending EHS and a family’s ability to pay, as determined by needs methodology used by Clarity.

To make the School affordable to more families, Episcopal provides several financial options. EHS is committed to socio-economic diversity, which brings a variety of perspectives and enables students to debate, discover, and expand upon their knowledge of the world. Achieving this greater understanding is critical to preparing students to succeed in all aspects of life. We urge families to apply even if there is concern over the ability to pay tuition.

Awards to qualified students are made in the form of grants and are based upon a demonstration of financial need, coupled with a student’s individual merit. In addition to financial aid, two payment schedules are available to accommodate family budgeting and planning needs.

While Episcopal High School subscribes to the belief of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) that the primary responsibility for funding the cost of education resides with the family, we also understand that it is becoming increasingly difficult for a large percentage of families to afford independent school tuition. Episcopal urges talented and motivated students to apply for admission, even if there is a concern over the ability to pay tuition, and encourages parents to apply for financial assistance.

In 2024-25, approximately 36 percent of the student body will receive financial assistance. Approximately $8 million in aid is awarded annually, with the average grant equaling about $54,619. The Financial Aid Committee keeps all financial information confidential. Financial aid is available to students of any race, color, gender, creed, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin.


Episcopal works with Clarity to assess financial need. Clarity offers a secure and streamlined approach to data and tax collection that is available on a computer or mobile device application. Upon completion of Internal Revenue Services Form 4506-C, IVES Request for Transcript of Tax Return, Clarity gains access to the requisite 2023 tax documentation for assessing your application. Visit Clarity to sign up for an account and complete your application. View Clarity's Quick Reference Guide and Clarity's Family Application Guide for more specific details on the application process.

Deadlines for Applicant Families: Financial Aid application (Clarity) - January 15, 2025

2024 W2s(s) - February 7, 2025

Deadlines for Returning Student Families: Financial Aid application (Clarity) - December 20, 2024 2024 W2(s) - February 7, 2025

For students whose parents are divorced or separated, both parents are required to submit signed copies of the required documentation.


The Financial Aid Committee is chaired by the Financial Aid Director and ultimately reports to the Admissions Director. Other members of the committee include the Chief Financial Officer, an Admissions Officer, and at least one member of the teaching faculty.

Both returning students and admissions candidates are notified of financial aid decisions in March. The financial aid decision is communicated to parents along with the invitation for enrollment. Parents are required to reply within 30 days.


Tuition grants are made for one year. Families must complete the Clarity application each year in order to be considered for financial aid. Unless there is a significant change in annual income or available assets, parents can normally expect the level of assistance to be continued from year to year.

Payment Schedule (2024-25)


An Enrollment Deposit of $7,200 is required when a student enrolls for the year. This amount is credited to the first comprehensive fee installment.

A Contingency Deposit of $600 is required of all new students. This amount is refunded or credited when a student graduates or leaves.

The Comprehensive Fee is payable in either two or six installments. You will be asked to select your preferred payment plan when you return your enrollment contract.

Two-Installment Plan

Due on July 25: 75% of the Comprehensive Fee
Due on November 25: 25% of the Comprehensive Fee

Six-Installment Plan

Due on July 25: 30% of the Comprehensive Fee
Due on the 25th of each month, August through December: 14% of the Comprehensive Fee

Deposit fees and installments for students receiving financial assistance are adjusted accordingly.

To assist parents with budgeting, Episcopal provides information about an independent loan service at the time of enrollment. Parents may also wish to participate in the Tuition Refund Plan, which insures payment of the comprehensive fee should the student need to withdraw from Episcopal for any reason during the year.

Scholarships at EHS

Only a small fraction of the U.S. population can afford a boarding school experience. Many, including alumni families, never bother to apply, thinking the Episcopal experience is simply out of reach. In recent years, Episcopal has made affordability a key focus. The 2018 strategic plan aims to expand the breadth of families for whom The High School is accessible and affordable by increasing scholarships and other endowed funds for financial aid resources. With gifts and commitments of nearly $18 million to this effort, the financial aid budget has increased by 13% since 2018. Our goal is to support 40-45% of our students with financial aid by the end of this strategic planning cycle.

With more than 100 endowed scholarship funds, Episcopal uses this robust offering to bring the cost of this life-changing experiential education into reach for interested families. Read a full list of scholarships.

Featured Scholarships

A major gift from Elizabeth and Lee Ainslie ’82 P’14 ’17 in 2018 moved EHS forward in this endeavor by endowing two bold need-based scholarship funds. Each covers the full need of one student in each class, every year, in perpetuity.

The Alumni Legacy Scholarship is available each year for extended family members of alumni and current students who might not otherwise be able to afford the experience of following in the footsteps of a family member.

The Reginald W. Burns ’72 Scholarship program supports students from historically underrepresented backgrounds who cannot afford the full cost of tuition.