Right to privacy and reputation

The Human Rights Act protects rights to privacy and reputation.

This right is based on Article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Australia ratified this treaty in 1980.

Scope of the right

The scope of the right to privacy is very broad. It protects personal information and data collection, for example. It also extends to a person’s private life more generally, so protects the individual against interference with their physical and mental integrity, including appearance, clothing and gender; sexuality and home.

This right protects the privacy of people in Queensland from ‘unlawful’ or ‘arbitrary’ interference. Arbitrary interference includes when something is lawful, but also unreasonable, unnecessary or disproportionate.

The protection against an attack on someone’s reputation is limited to unlawful attacks. This means attacks that are intentional and based on untrue allegations.

While the right to privacy is very broad, it must be balanced against other rights and competing interests. Like all rights in the Act, the right to privacy and reputation can be limited where it is reasonable and demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom.

When this right could be relevant

Section 25 could be relevant to laws, policies, acts or decisions that:


There are no examples from Queensland yet, but this right has been tested interstate and internationally.

Court-ordered urine testing not a breach of right to privacy

This case in the ACT questioned whether bail conditions were a breach of a person’s right to privacy. Mr Wayne Connors was awaiting trial in the ACT for aggravated robbery. He was released on bail with the condition that he submit to urine testing to check for illicit drug use. Mr Connors argued that the requirement was a breach of his right to privacy under the ACT’s Human Rights Act 2004. The Chief Justice of the ACT Supreme Court found it was not a breach. His ruling recognised that bail conditions like this did limit people’s right to privacy, and that there was a danger of them being enforced in a way that was unfairly oppressive. However, in this particular case he ruled the limitation was reasonable, lawful, and ‘demonstrably justifiable’.

(R v Wayne Michael Connors [2012] ACTSC 80 (28 May 2012))

This factsheet is not intended to be a substitute for legal advice.

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