What Is an Evergreen Contract?

Negotiating and signing contracts can be time-consuming. Once all parties have hammered out an agreement everyone is happy with, an evergreen contract can eliminate the need to redo the contract when the term is over. Evergreen contracts automatically renew until one party cancels.

Evergreen Contracts 101

Evergreen contracts are common in many businesses, such as rental contracts, product subscriptions, healthcare plans, lawn services, and other long-term agreements. Most people are familiar with evergreen contracts through their streaming services for music or favorite shows. They may not consider these contracts since they didn’t sign, but signing up and clicking the box counts as a contract.

Explanation of Evergreen Contracts

Evergreen contracts automatically renew at the end of their term — often monthly or yearly — until they’re canceled. Two other types of long-term contracts are perpetual contracts, which don’t have an expiration date, and renewal contracts, which require both parties to agree to renew the contract for it to continue. These are both different from fixed-term contracts, which automatically expire at the end of their term.

With evergreen contracts, everyone involved can count on the contract continuing without having to sign a new one repeatedly. It’s an efficient and cost-effective method for businesses to work with long-term clients without having to renegotiate frequently.

Definition and Core Concepts of Evergreen Contracts

The most notable concept of an everlasting contract is the automatic renewal. This type of contract starts with an initial term and automatically renews until they’re canceled. An evergreen contract definition includes the following elements:

Key Characteristics of Evergreen Contracts

An evergreen contract clause is enforceable in every state, although states have different regulations about them. Florida, New York, Michigan, California and Illinois have passed laws on handling evergreen contracts. Other states don’t have specific laws regarding evergreen contracts.

Some states require that evergreen contracts include a prominent notice about the evergreen clause in a contract in a way that makes it especially noticeable, such as using a large font, bright color, or a different font. Illinois also requires companies to notify customers in writing if the renewal period is longer than 12 months.

An evergreen clause differs from an automatic renewal clause. In an evergreen clause, the contract renews indefinitely. In an auto-renewal contract, the contract only renews for a set period of time. For instance, a contract may automatically renew every month for a one-year period.

Some examples of evergreen contracts include:

How Evergreen Contracts Work

In many ways, evergreen contracts work just like other types of contracts. It includes all of the elements of a standard contract, including an offer, acceptance, and consideration . However, they also include an evergreen clause, which includes the evergreen renewal terms and conditions.

When someone signs an evergreen contract, such as for a streaming service provider, they’re agreeing to pay a set fee for their services for a month. They don’t necessarily have to sign a contract physically. Clicking the box that states you agree to the terms and conditions is sufficient and is the most common method for many digital product subscriptions.

The contract will automatically renew every month, and the user will be charged the same monthly fee. If the service provider decides to increase their prices, they have to notify all paying subscribers in advance. This is often done through an email notification that prices are going up. At this point, they can continue with the contract and the new terms or cancel it. If they don’t cancel the contract, the increased price will take effect, and the contract will continue to renew every month based on the new charges.

If one party decides to cancel an evergreen contract, the evergreen clause will stipulate what they need to do. There are several ways evergreen contracts can be canceled. One or both parties can decide not to renew, which is a mutual agreement. One party can default on the contract. For example, if a lawn care service has an evergreen contact with a homeowner and stops showing up, they effectively cancel the contract.

Evergreen contract provisions should be used with care and consideration. Although evergreen contracts have many benefits, there are also reasons to use them with caution. All parties need to stay on top of contracts that have evergreen clauses. If one party is dissatisfied with the contract but forgets to cancel, they’ll be stuck with it until the end of the renewal period.

Advantages of Evergreen Contracts

Evergreen contracts provide significant benefits to both parties, which is why this model is frequently used. They allow both parties to focus on the core activities outlined in the contract rather than regularly having to renegotiate terms.

Long-Term Relationships

Evergreen contracts let businesses build long-term relationships with their partners, vendors, and customers. When both parties know the contract will remain in effect until it’s canceled, they can feel confident in their relationship . This confidence fosters trust and commitment, which can help build resilient bonds. People who are happy with the services or products they’re receiving as part of their evergreen contract are less likely to switch. Because of this, businesses will experience higher customer retention and lower costs since they don’t have to spend as much money acquiring new customers.

Streamlined Renewal Process

Businesses that implement evergreen contracts can also take advantage of other types of automation that can streamline the renewal process. This can include automated software tools that send out reminders to all parties before the contract renewal date. Contract management software can include electronic signature options that make it easy for all parties to sign the original contract and keep track of where each contract is in the contract lifecycle.

Streamlined processes reduce an organization’s administrative overhead. They can save money through automation and improved accuracy.

Stability and Predictability

Contracts that automatically renew provide predictability and stability for companies. They can plan their expenses and business operations based on their existing contracts and customer base. Customers don’t have to worry about constantly finding new providers. If they find a software or service they like, they can rest assured it will still be there for them next month or year.

Because the terms don’t usually change from one renewal to the next, a dispute is less likely since everyone has agreed to the terms. All parties know what to expect. Businesses that have evergreen purchase contracts with suppliers benefit from knowing they’ll have the raw materials they need to produce their goods or perform their services, which helps with long-range planning.

Ensure Success in Your Contracts With jSign

jSign is a contract signing solution that makes it easy for businesses and individuals to create legally binding contracts. Pick a plan based on how many documents you intend on signing and how large the files are. Our platform scales with your needs, making it ideal for businesses that may grow rapidly.

You can upload your contract directly to the platform and distribute it for all parties to sign. We use blockchain technology to create secure contracts that can’t be changed after signing and provide detailed audit trails. jSign is compliant with all electronic signature laws, so your contracts will have legally enforceable signatures. Sign up today for a free trial to get started.

Kamran Shafii
Manager, SEO Content